Agile workflows

Build and launch projects faster with streamlined, scalable workflows

Accelerate development with seamless collaboration and rapid iteration to keep projects on track and delivery fast.

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Help your web team move faster and launch with confidence

Pantheon’s agile workflows keep your projects on track, whether you're adding new features or improving existing ones.

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Accelerate development

Pantheon’s agile workflows streamline your development process, enabling faster builds and quicker iterations. Leverage automated testing, pull request previews, and other features to maintain quality while speeding up delivery.

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Collaborate without conflict

Isolated workspaces allow your teams to collaborate without overlapping code, keeping the process smooth and efficient. Dedicated development environments reduce errors and eliminate disruptions to the main project.

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Adapt quickly to evolving needs

Automated tools keep your site flexible, allowing your team to make updates and adjustments as needed. Whether rolling out new features or responding to changes, you have the control to evolve your site with ease.

Build faster, collaborate smarter


Enhance collaboration and efficiency

  • Multidev: Enable team collaboration on separate features without overlap.
  • Version control: Manage revisions and rollbacks efficiently across your team.

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Agile Workflows - Enhanced collaboration

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Streamline development and deployment

  • Dev, test, live workflows: Streamline processes for quicker development cycles.
  • CI/CD workflow: Automate testing and deployments to enhance reliability.
  • Deployment pipeline: Streamline deployment with continuous integration for consistent updates.

Automate and optimize workflows

  • Workflow automation: Customize your development pipeline to automate tasks and optimize performance
  • Terminus: Command line integration for managing workflows and environments efficiently.
  • Git-based workflows: Seamlessly integrate with tools like GitHub and GitLab for continuous integration and deployment.

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How organizations like yours do more with Pantheon

“With Pantheon, we can do a security update in 90 minutes on 100+ sites, which used to take three days. We just click some buttons and magic happens.”

Stephanie Lynn
Senior IT Manager, Franklin College
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Georgia
2 Minutes

Additional resources


Unblocking your team with lean-agile best practices

Watch here

Developing agile websites: Your guide to WebOps implementation

Read here
Case study

SPS Commerce: Practicing an agile workflow on Pantheon

Read here
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