Pantheon Advanced Page Caching
Sub-Second Pageloads with Full Page Caching
The key to a high performance caching strategy is to deliver repeat pageviews from the cache, rather than having to render the page from the CMS or origin data center. Pantheon distributes everything a browser needs to render webpages across our Global Content Delivery Network (CDN) powered by Fastly. Our integrated approach of deploying page caching, asset caching, and HTTPS certificates is lightyears ahead of the partial cache solutions used by most managed hosting providers.


Advanced Page Caching for Drupal & WordPress
A website’s cache is only useful if it has the necessary content on hand to satisfy visitors’ requests. Pantheon’s granular cache control enables developers and site owners to manage updates to specific assets, pages, categories, and even personalization across our Global CDN.
Your sites will maintain a high cache hit rate (a.k.a. fast page load speeds) while ensuring the latest content is always in the hands of visitors. Pantheon’s granular cache control prevents inadvertently invalidating an entire site’s cache. There is no need to throw out an entire cache every time you make small content changes on a site.
Increase Performance with Full Page Caching
Pantheon’s advanced, whole page caching dramatically improves page loads by caching the entire web page—from html, to CSS and assets. The average web page consists of 30-80 assets that need to load before a page is fully rendered. A website’s initial page load provides the instructions for the images, fonts, text, CSS, JavaScript, and other assets needed to construct and display the fully rendered webpage. The key asset to cache for the fastest load is the actual “html page”—which most hosting and CDN providers fail to do.

Advanced Drupal Caching
Drupal 8 introduced incredible improvements in caching functionality. With the Pantheon Advanced Page Cache module, Drupal core's cacheability metadata is pushed out to points of presence around the globe. When your data changes in Drupal, your global cache is selectively cleared.
Surrogate key technology built into the module gives your Drupal sites a more accurate cache purge mechanism and generally higher cache hit rate. By "tagging" the cached response with identifiers for the data used, such as author and category, when your site is modified the module can selectively purge only what's needed based on the surrogate keys.
Advanced WordPress Caching
Pantheon Advanced Page Cache plugin for WordPress works out of the box, with no configuration required. Edits to posts, pages, categories, images, and tags automatically update the cache and are distributed to all of our 70+ global points of presence (POPs).
Our plugin uses surrogate key technology to empower WordPress sites with a significantly more accurate cache purge mechanism and generally higher cache hit rate. By "tagging" the cached response with identifiers for the data used, such as author and category, when the WordPress data is modified the plugin can selectively purge only what's needed based on the surrogate keys. It even works with the WordPress REST API!