Put CMS Updates on Cruise Control with Autopilot
- Put CMS Updates on Cruise Control with Autopilot.
- Customer/Agency Perspectives on Autopilot.
- See Autopilot in Action.

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About This Event
A Content Management System (CMS) is essential to your business. Through your Open Source CMS WordPress and Drupal solutions you are creating, managing, and publishing your website’s content and building an experience for your customers. The CMS serves as a major platform powering the entire backend and offering advanced security from hackers, supports the creation of integrated files, enables seamless navigation, and more.
Undoubtedly, updating your website’s content is important but what about the CMS updates? Regular CMS updates are essential not only for website maintenance but for delivering new functionality and eliminating risk.
Autopilot on Pantheon automatically detects when new updates are available, performs the updates in an isolated Multidev environment, tests the updates with automated visual regression testing, and deploys the updates in an effort to save time for users.


Nathan Tyler

Alex Vasquez