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Last Reviewed: August 11, 2020

Environment-Specific Configuration for WordPress Sites

Learn how to turn WordPress site plugins on and off based on the environment they are running on.

This section provides information on how to turn WordPress Site plugins on and off for each environment.

You might use settings and plugins in your Development environment that you do not use on Live to improve development and debugging processes.

You can use the same codebase with different settings for each environment by using values for the PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT variable. You can install the Pantheon HUD plugin to quickly see which environment you are in.

Define WP_DEBUG to Perform Actions Based on Environment

To conditionally set WP_DEBUG based on the given Pantheon environment, change the existing code block defining it. The example configuration below enables WP_DEBUG for development environments (Dev and Multidevs), while disabling it on production environments (Test and Live):

 * WordPress debugging mode.
 * Sets WP_DEBUG to true on if on a development environment.

if (!defined('WP_DEBUG') && isset($_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'])) {
    define( 'WP_DEBUG', !in_array( $_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'], ['test', 'live']) );

Refer to Configure Error Logging in the WordPress documentation for more options when editing wp-config.php for debugging.

Configuration in an mu-plugin

Filters or functions running in an mu-plugin can enable development plugins that should be active in Dev and/or Test, but disabled in Live. You can achieve this by using an mu-plugin that checks which environment you're in, and then activates or deactivates plugins that were deactivated or activated when the database clone completed.

Use the WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE Function to Define the Environment for a Plugin

WordPress 5.5 introduced the wp_get_environment_type function. The Platform automatically defines wp_get_environment_type based on the environment variables set by the platform.

Note that the environment variables used by WordPress differ from the names used on Pantheon:

Pantheon Environmentwp_get_environment_type
dev / Multidevdevelopment

Create the Plugin

Copy this plugin file to wp-content/mu-plugins/site-config.php and edit accordingly.

 Plugin Name: Site Config
 Plugin URI:
 Description: Activates and deactivates plugins based on environment.
 Version: 0.1.1
 Author: Pantheon
 Author URI:
# Ensuring that this is on Pantheon
if ( isset( $_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'] ) ) :

# Symlink to the env-configs file
require_once( 'site-config/live-specific-configs.php' );


Add Configuration

  1. Create a new directory: wp-content/mu-plugins/site-config/.

  2. Add a live-specific-configs.php file.

    • This example activates the wp-reroute-email and debug-bar plugins, and sets the Jetpack plugin's development mode on all environments except for Live. It also adds the converse filters and deactivates the plugins on Live. You can expand this file to account for all of your environment-specific configurations, or add similar files for Dev-specific and Test and Live-specific configurations.
       # List Development Plugins
       $plugins = array(
       # Live-specific configs
       if ( in_array( $_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'], array( 'live' ) ) ) {
       # Disable Development Plugins
           require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php');
           foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
               if(is_plugin_active($plugin)) {
       # Disable jetpack_development_mode
           add_filter( 'jetpack_development_mode', '__return_false' );
       # Configs for All environments but Live
       else {
      	# Activate Development Plugins
           require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php');
           foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
               if(is_plugin_inactive($plugin)) {
       # Enable development mode for jetpack
           add_filter( 'jetpack_development_mode', '__return_true' );

The next time you deploy code from Dev to Test and clone the database from Live into Test, the plugins will remain active on Test, even though the database clone would normally deactivate them. This is especially important for plugins like wp-reroute-email, which prevents Test and Dev environments from behaving like Live, in this case, spamming emails to users.

Using the above example will prevent you from ever changing the named options. If you want to be able to change your named options, consider setting and checking for a transient, as Devin does in Programmatically Update Settings in Staging.

Plugins with development-specific filters can be enabled in Dev for development without unwanted production-like behavior. In the example above, we've activated Jetpack's development mode filter everywhere except for Live. This allows developers to build and test with Jetpack, without connecting Dev and Test environments to

The Developer plugin by Automattic checks whether you have recommended development plugins enabled on your site. Adding those plugins to your codebase and then adding them to the $plugins array in the example plugin will ensure this happens automatically.

Use the pre_option to Modify Options

The pre_option_(option_name) filter is the recommended way to change options on an environment basis.

It runs after the value is pulled from the database, providing the ability to overwrite the option value before it’s used by WordPress.

You should avoid using update_option() in this case, as the value is only changed under specific conditions and a database write of the new value is not required.

Rotate Authentication Unique Keys and Salts

You can use the Terminus env:rotate-random-seed command if you need to change the value for the keys and salts. This command invalidates all one-time login links and forces all users to login again.

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