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Last Reviewed: September 19, 2022

Plan Resources

Learn about the resources provided with each of Pantheon's site plans.

The platform resources provided to your website depend on your current plan. Pantheon can scale instantly, so changing your service level will immediately change your resources to the values for the new plan, as shown in the table below.

Current Plan Resources

SandboxBasicPerformance SmallPerformance MediumPerformance LargePerformance Extra LargeElite
Application Containers1112344+
PHP Workers446122432Managed
PHP Memory Limit256MB256MB512MB1024MB1024MB1024MB1024MB
Custom Domain Limit (per site)
Free and managed HTTPS
New Relic
Object Cache
Pantheon Search (Solr)

If the number of custom domains on a site exceeds that allowed by the new site plan, the site will be migrated to the next largest site plan that matches the number of custom domains used.