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DNS Made Easy Domain Configuration

Learn how to point your DNS Made Easy domain to a Pantheon site.

Before You Begin

Be sure that you have a:

Locate Pantheon's DNS Values

Identify DNS values to point your domain to Pantheon:

  1. Go to the Site Dashboard and select the target environment (typically Live) then click Domains / HTTPS.
  2. Click the Details button next to your domain.

Keep this page open and login to your DNS Made Easy account in a new tab before you continue.

Configure DNS Records on DNS Made Easy

A Record

  1. Click DNS in the menu bar and select the domain you wish to configure.

  2. Within the A table, click to add a new record.

  3. Leave the Name field blank and enter the A record value provided by Pantheon in the IP field.

  4. Select desired Time to Live (TTL).

    Learn More

    Time to Live (TTL)

    The TTL dictates the lifespan of a DNS record; a shorter time means less time to wait until the changes go into effect. TTLs are always set in seconds with a few common ones being 86400 (24 hours), 43200 (12 hours), and 3600 (1 hour).

    When you make a change to the TTL of an existing record, you need to wait for the old TTL time to pass - that is, if it had been set to 86400, you would need to wait a full 24 hours for the new setting to begin propagating everywhere.

  5. Click Submit:

    dns made easy a record

AAAA Records

  1. Within the AAAA table, click to add a new record.

  2. Leave the Name field blank and enter the first AAAA record value provided by Pantheon in the IPv6 field.

  3. Select desired Time to Live (TTL).

    Learn More

    Time to Live (TTL)

    The TTL dictates the lifespan of a DNS record; a shorter time means less time to wait until the changes go into effect. TTLs are always set in seconds with a few common ones being 86400 (24 hours), 43200 (12 hours), and 3600 (1 hour).

    When you make a change to the TTL of an existing record, you need to wait for the old TTL time to pass - that is, if it had been set to 86400, you would need to wait a full 24 hours for the new setting to be in place everywhere.

  4. Click Submit. Repeat steps 1-4 for the second AAAA record value provided by Pantheon. There are two AAAA records for improved uptime and reliability:

    dns made easy aaaa records


Create one A record and 2 AAAA records for the given subdomain (e.g.,

  1. Within the A table, click to add a new record.
  2. Enter www in the Name field and enter the A record value provided by Pantheon in the IP field (e.g.
  3. Select desired Time to Live (TTL).
  4. Click Submit:
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the two AAAA records.

Next Steps